Auberge Saint Martin

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Horseback riding in Vallée de la Roya

Professionals and horse lovers will bring you close to the best friend of man, through-altitude trails, mule tracks, forest tracks or strategic.
This is another way to enjoy your stay, a kind of intimate communion with the natural environment. Plants, minerals and other natural elements allow you to return to the old life and to a pace on a human scale the role formerly utility, horses, donkeys and mules.
A famous example is that of cars carriages marching the salt roads, linking Piedmont to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.

A circuit that we recommend is the "Marguareis": 3 days discovering the confusing karst massif, which is chock-full of potholes, with the particularity of being accompanied by donkeys and their ownersand discover the local cuisine at the various shelters border.

Accompanying Equestrian Tourism: Horse trekking Vallée de la Roya

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Auberge Saint Martin - 2 Place Saint Martin - 06430 La Brigue - France Phone: +33 (0)4 93 53 97 15 Fax: +33 (0)4 93 53 94 26

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